Over 250 Sigma Nu, Kappa Delta Chi Brothers and significant others enjoyed a night of celebration at Theta Zeta's 50th Anniversary Celebration.
The Commerce Club in Greenville provided a spectacular venue, great food and drink.
Guest speaker George Bennett representing Sigma Nu and KDX shared several stories about KDX and Sigma Nu Brothers as well as what Sigma Nu has meant to his family. Dan Radakovich, Clemson University's Athletic Director and a Sigma Nu Brother at Indiana University of Pennsylvania Iota Alpha #185 provided an inspirational talk about what Sigma Nu means as well as insights about our great university. Sigma Nu Regent John Hearn shared the past, the present and future of Sigma Nu as well as a history of our Chapter and the transition from KDX to Sigma Nu.
Overall an incredible evening. Make plans now to attend the 100th Anniversary Celebration in 2070.
To view the video shown at the 50th Celebration, click the Facebook Icon or Button below.
Jeffrey and Becky Reynolds
Jenks and Emily Patrick
Archie and Lenora Barron
Greg Belk
Marty and Fran Roberts Cope
Dave and Jan Redden
Kevin and Tara Creedon
Cary and Nichole Moore
Mark Fellers
Jimmy and Rebecca Jackson
Nelson and Nicole Wills
James Lemon
Kel Abell and Abbey Weekley
John and Stacie Fulton
Rich and Amanda Horton
Bill and Mary Nelle Gore
Jim and Leanne Potente
Tim and Ranai Kennedy
Wil and Laura Brasington
Richard and Karen Haynes
Russ and Judy Hebert
Chris and Charlotte Stormer
Ben and Joanne Watson
Scott and Tammie Frierson
Thomas and Jane Herlong
Billy and Claudia Ware
Mary Barnette
Robert Newton
JNC, Inc.
Robert Curran
Robert Cox
William Chapman
Tyler Boyd
Wilkens Norwood
Nelson Wells
John Jordan
Robert Hawthorne
Eddie & Terri Porcher
Dan and Ellen Zielinski
Buddy and Liz Thompson
Rhett and Sarah McCraw
Roy and Carolyn Turner
Rick and Becky Wyatt
Dave and Meg Causey
Bill and Wanda Dobbins
Paul and Harriet Landers
Tom and Carol Farthing
Jerome and Jan Cribb
Jack Hagood and Ashley Davis
David Coleman
Douglas Scruggs
William Powers
Robert and Allison Boozer
Bryan Finch
Gene and Shannon Beckman
Hal and Sherry Fair
Charlie Ing and Janet McGregor
Hane and Harvin Fair
Ed and Mary Lu Norris
Joe and Ruth Davis
Mike and Jacqueline Hunt
Bill and Tonda Christian
Bubba and Mary Ann Foy
Jeff and Cindy Rockwell
Larry and Ann Clark
Kent and Mary Lil Wannamaker
Bubby and Sally Prickett
Bill and Libba Carson
Barry and Susi Morgan
Mark and Kris Abell
Howard and Barbara Shirer
Robert and Tallulah McCants
Mike and Rhonda Glaesner
Johnny and Debbie Doscher
Eric and Jessica Newton
Bob and Kathie Smith
Alex Bickley and Carly Weber
Gene Gibbs and Suzanne Ulmer
Steve and Darla Hart
Todd and Lane Abrams
Michael and Donna Johnston
Brian and Melissa Fitzsimmons
George and Nancy Bennett
Jeff Bennett
Paul and Jane Burnette
Alan and Kelly Wolff
Mark Dukes and Jennifer Mallory
Robbie and Diane Fairey
Britt Parrish and Cathy Tabor
Booty and Denise Shelley
Eddie and Tricia Edwards
Gregg and Sally Coleman
David and Anne Gibson
Les and Sissy Heaton
Doug and Wilmer Richardson
Terry and Gail Richardson
Sam and Stella Hazel
Gary and Toni Faulkenberry
Dwight and Trudy Frierson
Jerry and Paulette Handegan
Charlie and Stephanie Kernaghan
Don Sharp
Brian Odum
Jeff and Colette Parker
Brian and Michelle Wilson
Gary and Leigh Caldwell
Buck and Lynn Buchanan
Dean and Jo Feaster
David and Karen Dukes
Mike and Kay Crapps
Douglas and Donna Bull
Jason Cranford
Leland and Kathy Reynolds
Hamp and Lu Lindsey
Bill Ellis and Arch Anna McLellan Steadham
Steve Gray and Cherry
Glenn and Laura Coggins
John David and Ann Griffith
Joe Anderson and Stacey Atkinson
Tom and Sarah Tull
Bill and Lynn Flanagan
Bob and Debbie DuBose
John and Valerie Bickley
Pat and Kay Fitzsimmons
Bob and Sherry Sharpe
Smiley and Becky Sanders
John Stillwell
Steve and Lynn Potts
John and Jessie Little
Mike and Ellis Yost
Hal Stone
Dave and Marian Hendrix
Skip and Kathy Collins
Gordon and Kathy Dannelly
Richard and Joyce Dillard
Howard Holl
Greg and Susan Jones
Pick and Libby Lindsay
Robert and Cindy Love
Alex and Ann Martin
Robert Boozer plus one
Johnny Floyd and Toni Holman
and more to come.
If any information is incorrect, please contact us at thetazetasigmanu@aol.com.