Donations are updated every 2 weeks.
Donation fiscal year runs August 1-July 31.
Please notify us for any corrections needed.
Rock Society $1000+
Kevin Brewer
Legion of Honor Society $500
Douglas Bull
Gregg Coleman
Steve Gray
Don Hinton
Hamp Lindsey
Jeffrey Reynolds
Greg Smith
Jay Thomas
Love, Honor & Truth Society $300
Harry Cromer
Gordan Dannelly
Johnny Floyd
Hal Stone
Tom Tull
Eagle Society $250
Gene Beckman
Buck Buchanan
Wilson Cooper
Michael Crapps
Dean Crouch
Richard Davis
Robbie Fairey
Tom Farthing
Bill Flanagan
Dwight Frierson
Gary Gosztonyi
John David Griffith
Jack Haygood
Les Heaton
James Lemon
Bubba Livingston
Robert Love
Steve Mudge
Ed Norris
Edward Reynolds
Bob Smith
Rex Varn
Michael Verroi
Brian Wilson
Gold Society $200
Mark Abell
John Bickley
Michael Cariens
Gene Gibbs
The Creed Society $175
Skip Collins
White Rose Society $150
Bill Christian
David Coleman
Eddie Edwards
John Little
The Light of Truth Society $125
Chase Eldridge
Honor Society Up to $100
Jeff Bennett
George Bennett
Robert Carlton
Bill Dobbins
Johnny Doscher
Bob DuBose
Paul Edwards
John Eric Fulda
Mary Cate Giordoro
Michael Glaesner
Sam Hazel
William Holl
Greg Jones
Paul Landers
Jason O'Dell
Greg Quick
Scott Shelley
Chris Stormer
Bryan Taylor
Current Total $16,270.00 Goal is $20,000.00
Donations are updated every 2 weeks. Donation fiscal year runs August 1-July 31.
Rock Society $1000+
Patrick Williams
Legion of Honor Society $500
Douglas Bull
Gregg Coleman
Steve Gray
Don Hinton
Hamp Lindsey
Lee Proctor
Jeffrey Reynolds
Greg Smith
Jay Thomas
Tom Tull
Love, Honor & Truth Society $300
Gordon Dannelly
Leland Reynolds
Terry Richardson
Eric Snyder
Hal Stone
Eagle Society $250
Buck Buchanan
Wilson Cooper
Richard Dillard
Robbie Fairey
Tom Farthing
Pat Fitzsimmons
Bill Flanagan
Johnny Floyd
Dwight Frierson
Herb Gilliam
John David Griffith
Gary Gosztonyi
Greg Jones
James Lemon
Hal Long
Robert Love
Pick Lindsay
Steve Mudge
Bob Sharpe
Bob Smith
Robert Smith
Michael Verroi
Brian Wilson
Gold Society $200
Gene Beckman
Ansley Crouch
Bob DuBose
Les Heaton
Howard Holl
The Creed Society $170
Richard C. Davis
White Rose Society $150
Mark Abell
Greg Belk
John Bickley
John Little
Alan Pope
Rex Varn
The Light of Truth Society $125
Michael Cariens
Steve Hart
Mike Johnston
Honor Society Up to $100
George Bennett
Jeff Bennett
Bill Christian
Steve Chryst
David Coleman
Skip Collins
Bill Dobbins
Johnny Doscher
Paul Edwards
Sam Fagan
Dean Feaster
Mark Fellers
Stephen Friedrich
Gene Gibbs
David Gibson
Michael Glaesner
Paul Halphen
Sam Hazel
Greg Jones (younger)
Ed Norris
Steve Potts
Britt Parrish
Greg Quick
Mike Schenck
Wilson Sheldon
Booty Shelley
Roland Shelley
Edward Weber
William Wetmore
James Williams
Current Total $18,695.00
Rock Society $1000+
Patrick Williams
Legion of Honor Society $500
Douglas Bull
John David Griffin
Don Hinton
Hamp Lindsey
Jeffrey Reynolds
Greg Smith
Jay Thomas
Tom Tull
Love, Honor & Truth Society $300
Gordon Dannelly
Richard Dillard
Thomas Herlong
Leland Reynolds
Hal Stone
Eagle Society $250
Buck Buchanan
Robert Carlton
Gregg Coleman
Wilson Cooper
Robbie Fairey
Johnny Floyd
Dwight Frierson
Les Heaton
James Lemon
Pickens Lindsay
Steve Mudge
Bob Smith
Brian Wilson
Gold Society $200
Pat Fitzsimmons
Bill Flanagan
Gary Gosztonyi
Howard Holl
Barry Morgan
Mike Schenck
The Creed Society $170
White Rose Society $150
Mark Abell
Greg Belk
Skip Collins
Mike Johnston
John Little
Steve Potts
The Light of Truth Society $125
Dave Causey
Skip Collins
Honor Society $100
Greg Belk
John Bickley
Gary Caldwell
Robert Carlton
Bill Christian
Steve Chryst
David Coleman
Bill Dobbins
Johnny Doscher
Bob DuBose
Eddie Edwards
Paul Edwards
Dean Feaster
Jo Feaster
Taylor Feaster
Mark Fellers
D. Finch
Gene Gibbs
David Gibson
Mike Glaesner
Steve Gray
Dave Hendrix
Bobby Infinger
Greg Jones
Tyler King
Ashby Krause
Joel Ledbetter
Hamp Lindsay
John Norris
Britt Parrish
Gregg Quick
Wilson Sheldon
Roland Shelley
Rex Varn
Paul Weiters
Current Total $14,600.
If there are any errors contact us at
Rock Society $1000+
Williams, Patrick
Legion of Honor Society $500
Bull, Douglas
Dukes, David
Friedrich, Stephen
Jaynes, Richard
Lindsey, Hamp
Smith, Greg
Love, Honor & Truth Society $300
Griffith, John David
Wilson, Brian
Eagle Society $250
Buchanan, Buck
Dillard, Richard
Fairey, Robbie
Frierson, Dwight
Hinton, Don
Lindsay, Pick
Love, Robert
Sanders, Smiley
Stone, Hal
Reynolds, Williams
Reynolds, Jeffrey
Gold Society $200
Coleman, Gregg
Flanagan, Bill
Heaton, Les
Holl, Howard
McCraw, Rhett
Reynolds, Leland
The Creed Society $170
Fitzsimmons, Pat
White Rose Society $150
Dannelly, Gordon
Johnston, Michael
Martin, Alex
Honor Society $100
Abell, Erwin
Belk, Greg
Bennett, Jeff
Bennett, George
Bickley, John
Buchanan, Buck
Bull, Douglas
Caldwell, Gary
Christian, Bill
Chryst, Stephen
Coggins, Glen
Coleman, David
Coleman, Gregg
Collins, Skip
Cope, Marty
Cox, Robert
Crouch, Dean
Dannelly, Gordon
Davis, Dr. Joseph
Dillard, Richard
Dobbins, Bill
Doscher, Johnny
Dubose, Bob
Dukes, David
Dukes, Mark
Edwards, Eddie
Edwards, Paul
Ellis, Bill
Fagan, Sam
Fair, Hal
Fairey, Robbie
Farthing, Tom
Finch, Brian
Fitzsimmon, Pat
Flanagan, Bill
Floyd, Johnny
Foy, Bubba
Friedrich, Stephen
Frierson, Dwight
Frierson, Scott
Gibbs, Gene
Gibson, David
Glaesner, Mike
Gosztonyi, Gary
Gray, Steve
Griffith, John David
Hart, Steve
Hazel, Sam
Heaton, Les
Herlong, Thomas
Holl, Howard
Hinton, Don
Hunt, Michael
Jaynes, Richard
Jones, Greg
Johnston, Michael
Lemon, James
Lindsay, Pick
Lindsey, Hamp
Little, John
Love, Robert
Martin, Alex
McCraw, Rhett
Norris, John
Odum, Brian
Parker, Jeff
Parrish, Britt
Potts, Steve
Reynolds, Jeffrey
Reynolds, Leland
Reynolds, Williams
Richardson, Terry
Sanders, Smiley
Sharp, Don
Sharpe, Bob
Shirer, Howard
Shelley Scott
Smith, Greg
Stone, Hal
Stormer, Chris
Tull, Tom
Varn, Rex
Vaughn, Brian
Wilson, Brian
Williams, Patrick
Wolfe, Alan
Worsham, John
Yost, Mike
Total $14,950.00
If there are any errors contact us at
Rock Society $1000+ Reynolds, Jeffrey Williams, Patrick
Legion of Honor Society $450 Cox, Robert
Sword & Serpent Society $400 Jones, Greg TZ#4
Eagle Society $250 Buchanan, Buck Dukes, David Griffith, JD Jaynes, R.P. Lindsey, Hamp Porter, Buddy Smith, Greg
Gold Society $200 Coleman, Gregg Dannelly, Gordan Dechiara, Tony Doscher, Johnny Dillard, Richard Fairey, Robbie Heaton, Les
Holl, Howard Sampson, Bill Stone, Hal Troup, Randy
White Rose Society $150 Hinton, Don Johnston, Mike (5-0) Sanders, Smiley
Tull, Tom (Turkey) Yost, Mike
Honor Society $100
Babb, Martin
Batten, Wise
Belk, Greg
Bennett, George
Bickley, John
Buchanan, Buck
Bull, Douglas
Caldwell, Gary
Chryst, Stephen
Coggins, Glen
Coleman, Gregg
Collins, JD
Collins, John
Collins, Skip
Cox, Robert
Dannelly, Gordon
Dechiara, Tony
Dillard, Richard
Dodds, Mark
Doscher, Johnny
Dukes, David
Edwards, Eddie
Edwards, Paul
Ellis, Bill
Fagan, Sam
Fairey, Robbie
Fellers, Mark
Finch, Bryan
Fitzsimmons, Pat
Flanagan, Bill
Floyd, Johnny
Frierson, Dwight
Gibbs, Gene
Gibson, David
Giles, Miguel
Glaesner, Mike
Gray, Steve
Griffith, JD
Haygood, Jack
Heaton, Les
Hendrix, Dave
Holl, Howard
Hinton, Don
Jaynes, R.P.
Jones, Greg TZ#4
Jones, Greg
Johnston, Mike (5-0)
Ledbetter, Joel
Lindsey, Hamp
Little, John
Livingston, Bubba
Marek, Todd
Martin, Alex
Miros, Chas
Moore, Thomas
Morabito, Chris
Myers, Ben
Norris, Ed
Parrish, Britt
Porcher, Eddie
Porter, Buddy
Potts, Steve
Quick, Greg
Reynolds, Hank
Reynolds, Jeffrey
Reynolds, Leland
Richardson, Terry
Rockwell, Jeff
Sampson, Bill
Sanders, Smiley
Schenk, Mike
Sharpe, Bob
Sheldon, Wilson
Shelley, Booty
Shelley, Scott
Smith, Greg
Stone, Hal
Stormer, Chris
Thompson, Buddy
Troup, Randy
Tull, Tom (Turkey)
Varn, Rex
Verroi, Mike
Watson, Ben
Willams, Joey
Williams, Patrick
Wood, Steve
Wyatt, Rick
Yost, Mike
Clemson Protocol School Winnings
TOTAL $13,700
Special recognition to the Brothers who donated above the standard $100 donation-
Jeffrey Reynolds $500, David Dukes $250, John David Griffith $250, Buddy Porter $250,
Les Heaton $200, Howard Holl $200, Gregg Coleman $200, Hal Stone $200,
Dave Causey $150
Ballentine, Wells
Batten, Wise
Bennett, George
Bennett, Jeff
Bickley, Alex
Bickley, John
Buchanan, Buck
Bull, Douglas
Burroughs, Joe
Caldwell, Gary
Carlton, Robert
Cariens, Michael
Causey, Dave
Chryst, Stephen
Coggins, Glenn
Coleman, David
Coleman, Gregg
Collins, JD
Collins, John
Collins, Skip
Crapps, Mike
Creedon, Kevin
Dannelly, Gordon
Davis, Joe
Dechiara, Tony
Dillard, Richard
Doscher, Johnny
Dubose, Bob
Dukes, David
Dukes, Mark
Edwards, Eddie
Edwards, Paul
Ellis, Bill
Fagan, Sam
Fairey, Robbie
Farthing, Tom
Feaster, Dean
Fellers, Mark
Finch, Bryan
Fitzsimmons, Pat
Flanagan, Bill
Floyd, Johnny
Friedrich, Steve
Frierson, Dwight
Gibbs, Gene
Gibson, David
Giles, Miguel
Glaesner, Mike
Gray, Steve
Griffith, John Davi
Hawthorn, Robert
Hazel, Sam
Heaton, Les
Hendrix, Dave
Hinton, Don
Holl, Howard
Hutto, Mark
Infinger, Bobby
Johnston, Michael
Jones, Greg
Krouse, Ashby
Land, Grayson
League, Jay
Lemon, Edward
Lemon, James
Lindsey, Pick
Little, John
Livingston, Bubba
Long, Hal
Markert, Carl
Martin, Alex
Morabito, Chris
Norris, Bryon
Norris, Ed
Parrish, Britt
Porcher, Eddie
Porter, Buddy
Potts, Steve
Pulliam, Norman
Quick, Joseph
Rebula, Daniel
Reynolds, Graham
Reynolds, Jeffrey
Reynolds, Leland
Richardson, Terry
Sanders, Smiley
Sharpe, Bob
Sheldon, Wilson
Shelley, Booty
Smith, George
Smith, Greg
Stone, Hal
Stormer, Chris
Tull, Tom
Varn, Rex
Watson, Ben
Williams, James
Worsham, John
Wyatt, Rick
Yost, Mike
Total $13,100.00